Picture of Gratitude (POG) Day 4 – Sun Breaks Through Storm Clouds

Picture of Gratitude (POG) Day 4.  The morning sun breaking through dark storm clouds is a perfect picture of how I feel today. Due to the dire circumstances with my 5-yr-old great-niece, I chose to write about Alyssa instead of posting POG #3 yesterday. (See it on Instagram.) In case you missed my “#PrayersforAlyssa” post, she fell through a 2nd floor open window onto concrete and fractured her skull. Doctors warned the first seventy-two hours were critical regarding the brain swelling. Today dawns with great news of her improvement! She battled a fever for a short while yesterday but that crisis passed. Xrays Read more…

Pics of Gratitude! Have you POG’d lately?

Before I found the #100HappyDays challenge, I had already been mulling over the idea of taking a photo a day of something I am grateful for. I have been battling depression off & on for years–more “on” in the last year. Writing a daily list of gratitude was not helping. A few days ago, while walking my dogs in the park, I noticed the vibrant blossoms of yellow, red & purple on the desert trees and bushes. My spirits lifted a little. Why not take a picture to remind myself of the beauty? The next day, I took some pics of Read more…