Picture of Gratitude (POG) Day 4 – Sun Breaks Through Storm Clouds

Picture of Gratitude (POG) Day 4.  The morning sun breaking through dark storm clouds is a perfect picture of how I feel today. Due to the dire circumstances with my 5-yr-old great-niece, I chose to write about Alyssa instead of posting POG #3 yesterday. (See it on Instagram.) In case you missed my “#PrayersforAlyssa” post, she fell through a 2nd floor open window onto concrete and fractured her skull. Doctors warned the first seventy-two hours were critical regarding the brain swelling. Today dawns with great news of her improvement! She battled a fever for a short while yesterday but that crisis passed. Xrays Read more…

Day 2 POG – Palo Verde

For decades I lived two blocks from a major thoroughfare, Palo Verde Avenue in Long Beach, California. For a few years, I volunteered for the Gray Whale Census  at the Point Vincente Lighthouse on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. PV Pennisula is also the setting of a murder in the true crime novel co-written with Deanne Acuña – LOSING LISA: Intuitive Investigator Series, Book One. Not once did I stop to wonder about the name. Since moving to Vegas valley I learned the green-bark trees that seem to be everywhere are Palo Verde trees. (The word actually means “Green Stick” in Spanish.) Lately, they have Read more…

Pics of Gratitude! Have you POG’d lately?

Before I found the #100HappyDays challenge, I had already been mulling over the idea of taking a photo a day of something I am grateful for. I have been battling depression off & on for years–more “on” in the last year. Writing a daily list of gratitude was not helping. A few days ago, while walking my dogs in the park, I noticed the vibrant blossoms of yellow, red & purple on the desert trees and bushes. My spirits lifted a little. Why not take a picture to remind myself of the beauty? The next day, I took some pics of Read more…